Monday, November 19, 2007

Positions please ...

This weekend I played musical chairs (unwillingly) at a local bar. Initially, I had a great seat at the corner of the bar sandwiched between my lovely girlfriend and a great friend of ours. Then it happened ... the uncomfortable, claustrophobic situation when someone (who will remain nameless) stands between you and your friend's chair, dominates the conversation (with her back to you) and virtually pushes you out of your chair.

Really, I did not cave in as much as I was yearning for a breath of air that had not just been exhaled by someone else and a tiny bit of s-p-a-c-e. Yikes. Anyway, I unwillingly took her old seat (where you could hear NOTHING). And as if that was not enough, we were then asked to "move down, move down" and then "get into a 'U'". Wow.

Needless to say, Shanna and I started to crack up and stare at the back of someone's head- it was still turned to us even though we moved down AND got into a "U"! We even made a nice little game similar to the price is right and placed bets on how many words we could eek in for the remainder of the night.

I lost the game, but at least we enjoyed ourselves! We can make quite a game out of almost anything. But I ask ... don't people realize forcing someone to move down and turning your back to them can be considered rude?! Unless of course, your friends are a bit crazy and make a game out of the situation?!


The Non said...

we had a blast. The part she didn't mention is about the tennis bawls

little one said...

I try to keep torturing my friends a secret so as to not tip anyone off!