Saturday, December 22, 2007

Hanukkah oh Hanukkah ...

Or shall we sing, Dradle Dradle Dradle?!

I am not in much of a holiday mood for obvious reasons but for some reason I have always loved Hanukkah. Is it the Menorah, a nice game of Dradle or the potato latka's? I'd say it's a little bit of everything!

Ilisa was kind enough to put together a Hanukkah dinner so I could have my fill of the Jewish tradition this year. She made guac, spinach and artichoke dip and LATKAS!! Complete with a fancy vegetarian apron that encouraged everyone to "eat your veggies ... not your friends", she put on her domesticated hat (that in itself is a rarity) and made potato latkas for me. Not only did I get to eat amongst Jews BUT we even played a game of dradle, which I lost. And when I mean lost, I mean that I was left with only a peach jelly belly and I only ended up with that because they took pity on the goy at the table. (Goy is a Hebrew and Yiddish term for a non-Jewish person) There was even a Menorah on the table, which we lit as we ate dessert.

I am not a demanding person, but I do ask my Jewish friends to step up to the plate once a year and make me a latka. Making them myself would seem so blah. Thank you my Jewish friend for making this Hanukkah a memorable one.